POTCO Players Wiki

The Rules of this blog are[]

1. you hate basil GET OFF THE BLOG ( you know who you are )

2. dont make drama filled comments ( this is aimed at certain people )

3. If you want to either disrespect or say something bad about romania GET OFF THE BLOG

The Proclomation[]

I Basil Brawlmonk hearby open trade routes in romania to the world. But the spaniards trade route has been blocked temporarily due to unrest and oppression their. I hearby open routes to these countries....

1. France

2. Ottoman Empire

3. Switzerland

4. England

5. The 13 colonies

6. Norway

7. China

8. Japan

9. India

10. Prussia ( Germany )

11. Russia

12. All other countries in LIN......

Signatures ( Awaiting Signature Of The King )[]

