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On May 13, 1745, King Eduard I of the independent kingdom of Bohemia and Tsar Vladimir I of Russia met in the Bohemian capitol to discuss the possibility of Bohemia ceding to the Russian Empire. King Eduard I, who had stood by Bohemia through numerous wars and conflicts, concluded he had another goal, on another continent: the Confederation of the South American States. Russia, always striving to further connect themselves with the Western World leaped at this opportunity to acquire the much coveted land of Bohemia. Furthermore, Russia had recently acquired colonies and protectorates in South America due to the recent Treaty of Lisbon. At approximately noon time, the two kings met in Prague Castle to discuss an agreement.


Land Russia cedes to the Confederation of the South American States, nearly six times the size of Bohemia


  • The land of Bohemia, including the city of Prague and all of its principalities, cedes to Russia.
  • The Russian-controlled Portuguese South American protectorates of Uruguay, Rio Grande do Sul, and Santa Catarina become a unified independent nation, the Confederation of the South American States (CSAS), under Chancellor Eduard I.
  • 5,000,000 Rubles (equivalent to about £2,300,000) is immediatly paid to the CSAS from the Russian central net worth income.
  • Tsaressa Agrafena Elizaveta Romanova I of Russia (Grace I of Portugal), is officially made the Grand Duchess of the Russian kingdom of Bohemia, thus expanding her title to Grand Duchess of Bohemia and Belorus.
  • The Confederation of the South American States and the Tsardom of Russia (including the client kingdom of Portugal) enter an immediate alliance, and are sworn allies.
  • The Tsardom of Russia provide military aid to the CSAS via the Portuguese colony of Brazil.
  • The CSAS allow free military access and trade into its boundaries from the Tsardom of Russia and the client kingdom of Portugal.