POTCO Players Wiki

While the War with the EITC and the Pirates raged across the carribean with the pirates winning, the son of Lord Cutler Beckett, Leon, took COMPLETE Control over the EITC and has many guilds he created and had his friends create so he has controll over them, his prime Guild is the Elites of the CO. which he has lead with Baron Mushion. After only a few months, he has started gaining many victories over many guilds. He WONevery battle against the Francis Brigade, But did win against the Carribean Rangers, the Skull Clan and the Z-Villians. since then Leon has been seen as the Last hope for the EITC.

Leon has been destroyed by the 5th Breathren Court and Commissioner Captain Jim Logan's Forces

~ Jack Swordmenace,Temporary King of the Brethren Court
