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"Determination. I possess unearthly willpower and wield it greater than any other weapon. A thousand bullets couldn't stop me—the Reapers will fare no better."

Seluyk is a Prothean-turned-Collector who broke free of the Reapers' grip over his mind. After regaining control, he joins up with Shepard in hopes of stopping the Reapers before he loses his mind again.

He is only obtainable if Javik is part of Shepard's squad.

Seluyk fire
Unbreakable Atoner
Race Prothean?
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Appearances Mass Effect 3

Weapon Proficiencies

  • Assault Rifles
  • Sniper Rifles
  • Heavy Pistols


  • Shield: 500
  • Health: 600
  • Class: Unbreakable Atoner
Power Description
Incendiary Ammo Sets enemies on fire, causing extra damage.
Singularity Creates a sphere of energy that pulls in and traps nearby victims.
Shockwave A wave of energy is sent out, knocking nearby enemies off their feet.
Rend Launches several singularities that pull and toss enemies between each other, often tearing them apart.

Mass Effect 2

Seluyk is first encountered as an unnamed, masked Collector with notably spiny armor. He is little more than an enemy that gets knocked off a platform in one of the cutscenes on the Suicide Mission. It is not until the next game that he gets a name and a face.

Mass Effect 3

In Mass Effect 3, Seluyk is encountered when Shepard finishes with his first Citadel visit after acquiring Javik. Upon approaching Javik's quarters, Shepard will overhear a conversation between Javik and someone else. Upon further investigation, they will find the two conversing; Seluyk will be pleading with Javik for help with his inevitable indoctrination, while the latter will coldly state that he is a threat to everyone on the Normandy. They will eventually notice Shepard, who can either react aggressively or politely; the former will result in Seluyk holding his hands up and trying to explain his situation. The latter will achieve the same result, albeit more calm. Either way, Seluyk will remark on Shepard's ability to understand him and approach them to share memories of his capture during the Protheans' fall, butchery and reconstruction as a cyborg, as well as his regaining control of his body in the end of Mass Effect 2 and retrieving of his old, slightly damaged armor. He will insist that he is not a threat for the moment and offers his aid to Shepard. Four options are available: accepting Seluyk's proposal with either a friendly or hostile tone, or killing him for either the good of everyone else or the fact that he's a Collector.


Should Shepard allow Seluyk to be part of the Normandy's crew, Seluyk will take up residence in the Port Observation Deck, commenting on its lighting and positive atmosphere. Shepard will be able to ask him about his experiences and get him to open up about his indoctrination, where he will express his determination to stop the Reapers before he loses his mind again. Shepard may discuss the Avatars in an attempt to learn more about Protheans than Javik would let on; Seluyk will claim to represent willpower.

Seluyk is considerably more positive than Javik despite his torturous experience serving the Reapers. He will elaborate on this attitude, stating that it gives him the drive to push on and not give up. He still shares similar beliefs to Javik, however, such as a cold, imperialistic outlook on the galaxy. He possesses a callous but highly rational personality, viewing anyone who stands in the way of his goals as a threat that must be eliminated by any means necessary. Despite his views often causing discomfort among the Normandy's crew, he is sociable, using the bonds he forms with others to fuel his resolve and keep his indoctrination at bay. Likewise, the anger he harbors towards his enemies for harming said loved ones motivates him to seek vengeance and keep fighting.

The crew frequently reference Seluyk's unusual appearance, comparing him to the Collectors and noting the eight disturbing claw-like limbs on his back (which he used to hold onto weapons and other items) and mechanical teeth. He typically responds that the implants were the only good things the Reapers did for him, though he is less fond of the extended metal claws protruding from his right fingers. Garrus will proudly say that Seluyk is the one thing uglier than him if asked about him by Shepard. Crewmembers often ask him about his experiences, prompting horrendous stories about the previous cycle's downfall or the few memories he retains of his existence as a Collector. James and Garrus frequently contact Seluyk over the comms to compare achievements and war stories, though Seluyk retains a more grim outlook on war due to the nightmares of the Prothean-Reaper War.

If brought to Sur'Kesh, Seluyk makes known his sympathy for the krogan, understanding the feeling of being part of a virtually dead race. However, he mostly views the curing of the genophage as a simple means to an end—with the krogan able to reproduce more effectively, the offspring will be effective soldiers in the war against the Reapers. If Wrex is alive and leading Clan Urdnot, and both Javik and Seluyk are in the squad, he will jokingly suggest that one of them get a sex change if they want to bring back their race. If Wreav is the leader instead, Seluyk will make note of his being a Collector and casually suggest experimenting on the krogan; this shuts him up and ends his arrogant comments for the time.

Seluyk expresses approval towards the turians when he learns of the bomb they placed on Tuchunka, viewing it as a necessary precaution to keep the highly-aggressive krogan in check. As such, he feels the bomb should be kept in place, but acknowledges that disarming it is the only way to progress krogan cooperation in the fight against the Reapers. After the bomb is defused, he will be somewhat saddened by Victus's death, but the lieutenant's poor leadership skills and Seluyk's own experience with loss leaves him mostly indifferent.

He and Javik both find the return of the rachni chilling and can be found conversing about them. They will elaborate on this if approached by Shepard, explaining that they bred the rachni into what they are. Seluyk will strongly favor making peace with the Rachni Queen on Utukku—though if the original queen was killed and replaced by an artificial one, he will sense treachery and attempt to protest saving it. Either way, he will begin to extensively research the rachni after the mission; if the original queen from Noveria was saved, he will look forward to the species' future. If she was killed, he will be obviously disappointed, adding it to his already long list of disagreements with the current cycle. Sparing the artificial queen will result in a similarly frustrated reaction, whereas killing it will be met with praise.
