POTCO Players Wiki

Involved Nations


On Aprile the 12th of 1745, directly after the Treaty of Prussia was made, another war was delcared, taking the place of the ' Bohemian War '. The country of Austria claimed numerous false accusations against Prussia and Bohemia, claiming that Ned Daggerkid, the ruler over Bohemia, was not involved in Royalty. As he is and was, declared ruler by the LIN, a war would take place to end the conflict between Bohemia, Prussia, and Austria. Soon, the forces of Prussia will be invading the land known to the Austrians as their own. If this war is won by Prussia, Bohemia goes to Ned Daggerkid, and the country of Austria will be handed over to the Prussian empire for reformation.

Battles Planned

Friday 13, 1745

Time: 7 ESt, 6 CST, 5 MST, 4 PST

Event: SVS

Duration: 1 Hour

Method of determining winner: Most points accumulated when time expires


Launching from France

  • Bohemia
  • Prussia

Launching from Spain

  • Austria

Primary Prize: If Bohemia/Prussia wins, Bohemia remains under control of Ned Daggerkid. The Austrian rhineland is ceeded to Prussia for reformation.

Secondary Prize: If Austria wins, Bohemia remains under control of Ned Daggerkid. The Prussian forces spare Austria, and set an alliance with its queen.

Saturday 14, 1745

(Not official yet)

Sunday 15, 1745

(Not official yet)
