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Meeting Hall (2)

A building on Port Tariff

Port Tariff is home to many of the best houses in the Caribbean. The only island with better real estate is Isla Lusso.

Real Estate?

You must be thinking, "Real estate? You want me to be real estate?" The answer is "Yes!" Port Tariff has a wide arrange of houses, with easy access to stores around the island. We offer a selection of houses from modest town-house like buildings, to large mansions on the less-populated side of Port Tariff.

What Is Available?

  • Portside Townhouse

Rent = 1,000 gold a month

Buying cost = 5,000 gold

A modest townhouse near the port. If you crack a window, you will usually smell the smells of the port. You will always be first in line at the fish stands. They consist of five rooms: The front room, the parlor, two bedrooms, and a kitchen. The farther from the port, the more variety they have.

  • Inland Townhouse

Rent = 3,000 gold a month

Buying cost = 7,500 gold

A slightly nicer townhouse along the streets of Port Tariff. You'll be close to the market, and have the availability to open a shop on the first floor of your house. This house is three stories, a whole story taller thatn the portside townhouse. Consists of seven rooms: same rooms for the portside, shoppe room (optional), and a bath house.

  • Lower-end housing

Rent = 7,000 gold a month

Buying cost = 10,000 gold

Your own little house! You can buy a lower-end house near or in the town! These houses vary in rooms, depending one what you are willing to pay and buy.

  • Higher-end housing

Rent = 10,000 gold a month

Buying cost = 50,000 gold a month

Your own house! You can buy a higher-end house near or in the town! These are an upgrade from the smaller and dirtier lower-end houses! These houses vary in rooms, depending on what you are willing to pay and buy.

  • Mansion

Rent = Not rentable

Buying cost = 200,000 gold

Your own, huge mansion! You can buy these mansions in their own private grounds, on the less-populated side of Port Tariff. These houses vary in rooms and ground size, depending on what you are willing to pay and buy.

Any Restrictions?

Yes, there are restrictions:

  1. Have no criminal record with England
  2. Bring a creditable background check
  3. Pay gold upfront
  4. Register with the landlord Governor Matthew Blastshot
  5. If you are a pirate, you will not be allowed to buy land, unless registered with the Navy

Port Tariff Parliament

A local parliament has been set up to choose the decisions of Port Tariff. In order to join, you must have a house on the island.

Please, consider buying!
