POTCO Players Wiki
POTCO Football is, or was selected as the Featured Article of the Week!

This is how you play:

  • The quarterback throws a grenade, and if it blows up on someone they caught the football.
  • To get them down, you must attune them (Evil Eye ,AKA long distance attune, is not allowed)
  • For a field goal or point after, well..., there is none unless you can find somewhere WITH A FIELD GOAL.
  • There will be at most 7 players on the field for each team at the snap.
  • the quarterback WILL and MUST say HIKE before throwing.
  • you may NOT use POTIONS. You may NOT attune to the quarterback.
  • all players MUST be at LEAST level 20 and have their grenades and doll.
  • There will be NO whispers, though public chat is allowed.
  • Standard football rules WILL be applied.
  • The Ref Reserves the right to change a rule based on the situation.
  • A Team may be of any size.
  • ONLY explosives will be used, no Other Grenades.
  • Benched players may NOT enter the field, and MUST NOT throw any grenades, throwing knives ETC.
  • Throwing Knives MAY be used by the coach, to remove a player from the field.
  • The Coach reserves the right to change positions of players, or who is on the field at ANY TIME.
  • If you recieve a order to leave the field from the coach, you will be whispered, as well as the person that replaces you.
  • If you interfere while exiting the field, your team recieves a 1 point penalty.
  • The ref will report HERE about the results of the game.
  • If there is Interference by a bystander the play will be REDONE*.
  • A team will be in a CREW, with NO members of the crew not in the team.
  • There will be a ref in each crew to ensure the fairness of the game.
  • Coaches May Also Be Players.
  • Coaches will use fire grenades, if they would like to use a timeout.
  • If a game is a set time, it will be played in a PVP match, though knocking out the opponent is illegal.
  • Teams are Labeled A, B, C, and D.
  • Team A will play C
  • Team B will play Team D
  • Team (TBA) will play (TBA) For the championship.
  • Team (TBA) Will play (TBA) for 3rd place.
  • In the event of disconnection or a lock up, the play will be redone
  • In the event of an attaking enemy, the play will be redone

*The games will be played on a preannounced quiet server to avoid this.

Known Teams:

The Padres Legenaries(A): This team is currently recruiting, an currently has numberous Member(s). Join by posting below

The Cuba Islanders(B)

Anyone want to join?? To join, add your name to the list and the position you want to play.

~Simon Treasurehawk

The Tortuga Privateerers(C)

This Team is recruiting! Led by Richard Goldvane, and powered by Queen Salt and George Treausrestealer. Join by posting your name below!

The Port Royal Knights(D)

league is hold until the Summer of 2011.


NOTE: the time and date of the games are not going to be announce for some time.

GAME 1: Padres will play Tortuga on savica at ship wreck stadium.

GAME 2: Cuba will play port royal at savica river stadium.


  • George Treasurestealer - Tortuga
  • Curycoo - Padres
  • Simon Treasurehawk


  • Liz
  • Mara Jade
  • Richard Goldvane


Head: Curycoo

Assistant: Jeffrey Blasthawk


Legendary Stadium ( Padres )

River Stadium ( Cuba )

Ship Wreck Center ( Tortuga )

Castle Main Field ( Port Royal)
