POTCO Players Wiki

(Joseon Empire/Korean Empire) Gov. type: Confederate Monarchy 
Bandicam 2013-07-23 21-07-36-724

Royal Members:

King: David Yellowfish


PRIME MINISTER- Nate Crestbreaker

Minister of defense- Thomas Shipmorgan (Council Region of Royal)

Minister of Tax-

Minister of Construction-

Minister of Foreign Affairs-

Minister of Finance-


Warfare Advisor-'''Defense Advisor-

Foreign Affairs Advisor- 

Finance Advisor-

Social classes-

Elite - 30%

Higher class - 15%

Middle Class  - 30%

Lower Class - 15%

Poverty - 10%



2.      Wheat

3.      Ships

4.      Farm animals

5.      Flower

6.      Rice

7.      Beans

8.      Weapons

9.      Armor


1.      Wheat

2.      Farm animals

3.      Weapons

4.      Rice

5.      Beans

6.      Ships

7.      Armor

8.      Agricultural technology

9.      Warfare Technology

=Navy Ranks and logos =

See navy page

Army Ranks

See army page

Declaration of Independence

When in course of human events, it becomes necessary for the strong and intelligent to prosper and grow away from the crumbling environment of other monarchies and other forces to become more powerful, wiser, and stronger. Through the stages of creating the foundation of our government and country, we will lack respect, fear, and power. Yet, “the theory of evolution states that only the strong will survive. That doesn’t mean the strong can get their asses kicked by the underdog. That doesn’t mean the underdog can become stronger and become superior.”

            Our philosophy, every man, rich, middle class, or poor shall be treated equally by the standards of laws. One emperor should not hold absolute power, but shall be allowed the void ministers and council’s and mayor’s decisions and philosophy.  A mayor and will be stationed at each province, each town will hold a governor. And a council at each region. Due to this, one emperor cannot hold absolute power to execute evil and devilish actions.


He weakened our land

He plundered our trade ships

He crumbled the government

He starved citizens

He treated us without quarter

He ransacked our towns

He kept us under unhealthy conditions

We were the so called “lesser people”

He murdered with no reason

Due to these sins we have brought forth, we declare our independence from evil. By the authority of the good people, we free ourselves from the commands of the higher power, and bring forth a new higher power. All previous political relations must be dissolved. As Korea, we will know prosper under a new government, new territory, and a new life. Thus, with this declaration, we become, the independent Empire of Korea!



Emperor- Empire as whole -May void governor and mayor decisions and recommendations. Decides where each militia is stationed, has to agree to at least one of the proposals of law from council, Recives 50% money of taxes.

Ministers - council members each of a different subject put into a region 

Advisors - Advisor emperors and ministers

Council- Region - Creates laws, militia, and other decisions, but must agree on each decision, if not agreed emperor must propose a new solution. If nothing is agreed, mayors vote on the decision. May freely build construction with out agreement of the emperor. Decides who is allowed in militia (No discrimination is allowed in this process, if so, punishable by death.)  Recives 25% money of taxes.

Mayor- City/county – May construct, make bills of education, construction, etc. Decision may be over thrown by Emperor and council. Collects taxes, recives 15% of money from taxes.

Governor- town/village – May build, education, and homes.  Recives 10% of money from taxes.

Diplomatic Relations:

England - Allied 

Russia - Trading

Spain - Nuetral

Germany - unknown

<all other nations unknown please comment on the page if you would like to trade or other relations, thank you!


Koreanflag.png David Yellowfish holds the title in the Korean govorment as King of Korea
212px-Koreangold.png This user is in the first and primary Korean guild, Warlord Legends.