POTCO Players Wiki

Fan GM Lawrence Daggerpaine of the Royal Navy


Fan Gm: Lawrence Daggerpaine is the Royal Navy version of Fan GM:Lawrence Daggerpaine. Lawrence Daggerpaine was a the admiral of the Royal British Navy. He worked around the Caribbean at every Navy Outpost there is. He travels from outpost to outpost, making sure no pirates raid the forts and no soldiers are sleeping on the job.

  • He tries to arrest any pirate he sees.
  • He can sometimes be seen during Invasions at the Governor's Mansion, making sure it doesn't fall into the hands of Jolly Roger.
  • He is seen in all navy outposts, including Fort Charles, Fort Dundee, Kindshead, and Thieves Den. He can attack out with a sword. Note: Do NOT get close to him in that state if you value your lives.
  • He has a Royal Navy colored Sloop.

