POTCO Players Wiki

Beckett's Pride is a new East India Trading Company guild led by Joseph Crestscarlett. They are allied with a number of guilds:

- Raider Empire
- Port Royal Rogues
- Perdida Rebels
- Dread Sea Raiders

Recently they were involved in a guild war between Raider Empire and a small guild called Logan Heights. The war is still going on, and both sides are still recruiting. Known members of Beckett's Pride are:

Lord Commander Joseph Crestscarlett Naval Overseer Mark Firerage Artillery Officer Kyle Blackwall Infantry Officer Jack Dougherty Fleet Lieutenant Seadog Captain Rose O'scarlett Admiral Rachel Major Mark Coalcutter Recruit Sergeant Solomon Firekidd

Beckett's Pride is also at war with many guilds: Predicon Logan Heights Pukwudgies Spanish Light

Beckett's Pride is known for their humor and activity. They are recruiting and have outposts on Padres del Fuego, Port Royal, Cuba, Outcast Isle, Rumrunners Isle, and Kingshead. Joseph can be found on the Antik, Abassa, and sometimes Andoso servers. Beckett's Pride also owns a vast trading network throughout the Caribbean, with several traders at their outposts. They have guild meetings every Sunday in the Ratskellar Tavern in Padres on the Abassa server. These meetings are usually presided over by the GM or a high rank officer.

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