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The Adventures of Lawrence Daggerpaine, Book 3:End of the Game is the third book in the Adventures of Lawrence Daggerpaine Series.

Other books are:

Chapter 1

It was a dark and stormy night in the Caribbean. The waves rolled like they were intentionally trying to sink the ship. Lawrence Daggerpaine was at the helm of his ship, the G.O.P.S. Peace. Then there was a crackle coming from the radio.

“Law, come in, repeat, come in.”

“Yes Bill? What you want?” Law replied into the radio.

“I want to get out of this chopper, that’s what.” Bill Plunderbones said from the QAR Tracker Ship.

“Just focus on the mission, will ya?”

“Fine. But I don’t want to….. Hold on, looks like there’s something on the radar. Coming in two clicks to the south, from the direction of Rumrunner’s. Could be the QAR.”

“Ok.” Law turned his ship in the direction Bill had directed.

“Wait, it’s coming way faster than the QAR…… hold on……. OH FLEEF!!” Law then saw a missile fly into the QAR Tracker, and blow it up. The Tracker fell out of the sky, and landed in the ocean not 2000 yards from where Law was.

“Bill, come in, do you read? BILL, DO YOU READ? Carp.” Law then got to the wreckage. The Tracker was trashed. He saw Bill swimming toward the boat, and let out a sigh of relief.

“I jumped out just before that missile impacted. Who do you think sent that?”

“No idea, but we’ll check it out tomorrow. We’ve better get you to the infirmary, you’ve got a big gash across your head.” They then sailed to Peace Island. When they landed, the whole Gen. Of Peace guild was there. They had been watching the whole thing from monitors set up for viewing the training mission.
