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Prolouge and Publication

Issue 1, 'The Kingston Chronicle', December 31, 1744. This update will focus mainly on war updates, but will also have a hint of fassion and diplomatic news. For the full set of issues, visit 'The Kingston Chronicle'.

Publication Date: December 31, 1744

Publisher: Royal Publishing Company

War Updates

On December 26, King Carlos Clemente of Spain officially broke the cease-fire between the latter and Great Britain. In an attempted capture of Falmouth, England, the British Marines, with a force of 35,000 troops under General Johnathan O' Reilly beat back several attempts by the Spanish to take the city. After failing multiple times, the Spanish Navy then attempted an attack on the Channel Fleet under Lord Matthew Faye, which was also beaten off. The casualty rates were high, however only three ships of the British fleet were lost to the Spanish 18; the Gallant, which surrendered after beating off three Spanish frigates on the flank, the Sutherland, captured and crew taken after running aground just outside Falmouth at the cost of two enemy frigates and a ship of the line, and the Enterprise, which was sunk after scouting the enemy fleet. Fortunately the information on the advancing enemy ships was relayed to a signal post in a small fishing village west of Falmouth. On the land side of the battle, 12,000 marines were lost or captured to the Spanish 30,000.

In an Invasion of Spain, the Royal Marines took the town of San Sebastian with the aide of the Mediterranean Fleet of the British Navy. 20,000 marines under Lieutenant General Declan O' Reilly, son of Johnathan O' Reilly, lost 2,000 men in the swift capture of the town. The only enemy forces that presented themselves were disbanded groups of militia, which surrendered.

British Fassion

In late October, a new fassion hit England: silk stockings. After the high royalty began wearing them, the members of Parliament took on the fassion, which spread through the middle class of Great Britain. In mid December, when the first merchant convoys hit Jamaica, silk stockings began to be shown on the legs of the officials, which, in a similar way as in England, spread to the upper and middle classses.

Also becoming a new fassion are the rapidly produced tri-corner hats. In England, the hats were first used by merchants but soon became an emblem of the East India Company.
